Cucumis - خدمات رایگان ترجمه آنلاین
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ترجمه های درخواست شده - sruellan

زبان مبداء
زبان مقصد

2 درحدود 2 - 1 نتایج
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی My Christmas. Before Christmas my husband and I...
My Christmas. Before Christmas my husband and I went on a transatlantic cruise. We sailed from Barcelona to Puerto Rica and had a wonderful time. We returned on Christmas Eve after a three day delay in getting back. We spent Christmas Day at our daughters house. She prepared the traditional english Christmas Lunch of Turkey, roast potatoes and vegetables, followed by trifle and christmas pudding.

ترجمه های کامل
اسپانیولی Mi Navidad.